Massachusetts General Hospital

Research Intern | Summer 2021

With the Dr. Tristan Kooistra and Dr. Benajamin Medoff at the Massachusetts General Hospital, I researched methods of data collection and visualization for studying the mechanisms involved with the inflammation of airway epithelium cells due to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). In particular, a coculture of basal cells and murine immune cells with IPF was created, maintained, and monitored to measure the heterogeneity of cell patterning as a function of time. I was responsible for culturing cells and recording the resultant patterning at different intervals. My primary contribution to the research project included a data visualization method and consequent method of analysis; I developed a Python program for determining cell-to-cell distances using a Delaunay triangulation and subsequent visualization using a Voronoi tessellation, an example of which can be found below. All of the code for the project can be found on GitHub.

Cell Patterning
Example visualization of cell patterning using my algorithm.