Physical Chemistry Notes


My favorite class I took while in college was probably Pchem I, covering thermodynamics and kinetics. That’s not to say it wasn’t hard, this class was during the same semester I became addicted to coffee and lost the most sleep. Nonetheless, I curated all of my notes from the class and collected them in a nice pdf using LaTeX.

I continued this exercise into Pchem II, quantum mechanics with a focus on spectroscopy, adding all of the notes together to create one big document.

Depending on how things go, one day I’d like to make it more uniform and readable and convert it to a refined text. Though, it’s certainly not my top priority for the time being. The full document is linked above, and individual chapters (whenever I get around to making them) are here:

  1. Chapter 1 -
  2. Chapter 2 -
  3. Chapter 3 -
  4. etc.